
Scholarships in China for the academic year 2023-2024


China awards, for the academic year 2023-2024, eleven (11) scholarships to Moroccan students wishing to pursue their higher education in Chinese universities, and this, in the Master’s and Doctoral cycles. Program benefits: Tuition waiver Expenses of daily living (depending on the chosen cycle) University accommodation Medical insurance Eligibility: Master’s cycle Hold a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent Be […]

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100 scholarships for Moroccan students in Russia for the academic year 2023-2024


Russia grants, for the academic year 2023-2024, one hundred (100) scholarships to Moroccan students to pursue their higher education in Russia at the Bachelor, Master and Doctorate cycles. Benefits:  Tuition Waiver  University Housing Language of study: Studies are conducted in Russian. A preparatory year in this language is provided for the benefit of admitted candidates, before the start of their study programs.

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Scholarships Granted by the College of Europe for the year 2023-2024


The College of Europe, a training institute specializing in European studies, is granting, for the 2023-2024 academic year, eight (8) scholarships to Moroccan students, as part of its scholarship program.  This is an in-depth one-year university course, from September to June, accredited with a Master’s degree and delivered on one of the College’s two campuses: […]

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Call for applications for the 2023 edition of the Mauritian government scholarship


The Republic of Mauritius grants, within the framework of the Mauritius Africa Scholarships Scheme 2023 Programme, scholarships in the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate cycles, to students from African Union States, under the academic year 2023 -2024. Program Benefits Exemption from tuition fees; Monthly subsistence allowance; Return air ticket at the beginning and at the end […]

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Bourses Octroyées par la Colombie


La Colombie octroie, dans le cadre du Programme Beca Colombia, des bourses d’études aux cycles de Spécialisation, de Master et de Doctorat au profit des étudiants internationaux, au titre de l’année universitaire 2022-2023. Langue d’étude : Espagnol Durée du Programme : Spécialisation : 2 semestres (12 mois) Master : 4 semestres (24 mois) Doctorat : […]

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Bourses octroyées par la Corée du Sud


L’Institut Supérieur Coréen des Sciences et Technologies (KAIST) octroie, dans le cadre du Programme KAIST Scholarships, des bourses d’études au cycle de Bachelor au profit des étudiants internationaux, au titre de l’année universitaire 2022-2023 Langue d’étude : Anglais Durée du Programme : 8 semestres

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